Moving forward with courage, strength, and hope to build a brighter tomorrow.

Online Counseling for Anxiety, in Tucson and across AZ, WA, OR, MA, and CT.

Life can be hard… really hard. But we don’t have to stay stuck in the darkness.

  • There have been experiences in your life that have left you feeling different. Survival mode seems to be the theme of your life and you don’t even know what “normal” would feel like. It is sometimes difficult to really know who you are. You find yourself moving back and forth from overwhelm to detached, from angry to numb, or from paranoid to “screw it”. 

    You are anxious - and sometimes, even depressed. There are feelings of shame and embarrassment that haunt you about your family dynamics, things that have happened to you, or, possibly, how you’ve responded in the past. You try to block it all out so you can just live your life, only to find yourself engaging in unhealthy habits, withdrawing, and overreacting to others’ comments and behaviors.

  • Feeling utterly lost, you often find yourself surrounded by a cloud of darkness with no idea of how to escape it. You can’t stop thinking about what happened. Even when there are no logical answers, your mind still wants to know why…. Your heart still wants to know why. 

    You can’t shake the painful thought that maybe, just maybe, you could have prevented it from happening. Joy feels like a distant memory, if you feel it at all. You’re irritable, foggy, forgetful—and even though your loved ones may be sitting inches away from you, they feel like they are miles away. Imagining a happy future for yourself seems impossible. Only those that have been in your shoes and have experienced the same can possibly understand how alone you truly feel.

Unprocessed Trauma and Grief can wreak havoc on our body, mind, and spirit.

It can show up in ways that are obvious and in ways that are not. When we haven’t properly processed painful experiences, they have the power to influence our everyday thoughts, beliefs, and interactions, creating a darker, more difficult state of being.

  • We may experience agitation, disconnection, shutting down, procrastination, or difficulty relaxing.  When left untreated, trauma and grief can also lead to sleep disturbances, chronic pain, headaches, fatigue, emotional numbness or overwhelm, dizziness, shallow breathing, digestive issues, and even illness.

  • We may battle with intrusive thoughts and images, racing thoughts, and difficulty distinguishing whether the voice in our head is our intuition or anxiety. We might struggle with constant doubt and fear, perfectionism, emotional numbness, obsessive thinking, negativity, and self-criticism.

  • We may struggle with control and letting go, finding it difficult to be mindful and present. We can often lose connection to our authentic selves, people, nature, and spiritual beliefs and practices.

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. Not only can trauma be healed, but with appropriate guidance and support, it can be transformative.”

― Peter A. Levine

Through trauma-specific therapy, life can begin to make sense again.

You can discover new meaning and deeper connections at work, at home, and in your relationships. More of your day can be spent in the present moment, and living in your body can feel more comfortable. It can become easier to have clearer, more positive thoughts. Managing the stress of daily life can start to feel more natural. Self-care and honoring who you are can become your top priority. You communicate more openly and can feel more at ease with others. Your relationship with yourself can be much more positive, and you can even begin to feel a sense of gratitude for your life, looking forward to the future with hope.

In our work together…

We will take the time to understand how trauma and grief are impacting your body, mind, and spirit.

Together, we’ll identify the areas you want to focus on and explore treatment methods that feel right for you. I will introduce you to tools that can help manage triggers and navigate daily life with more ease. We can work towards creating a safe, supportive space where you can process your emotions and experiences more fully. With compassion and care, you can learn to nurture yourself in ways you may not have experienced before. As you move forward, you can begin to feel lighter, clearer, and more hopeful.

Post-Induction Therapy

Post-Induction Therapy (PIT) is a treatment model developed by Pia Mellody, focusing on healing trauma by reparenting the inner child. This treatment modality, also incorporates Pia’s “Model of Developmental Immaturity”, highlighting how childhood experiences impact our development.

I had the privilege of working and training with Pia Mellody, during my years as a Counselor at  The Meadows, a world renowned treatment center, located in Wickenburg, Az, that centered treatment on underlying trauma.

Pia Mellody is the author of several books including “Facing Codependence” and “Facing Love Addiction”.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) was developed by Dr. Peter Levine,  researcher and pioneer in the understanding and treatment of traumatic stress. Somatic Experiencing is a gentle and organic method that assists us in reconnecting to our natural ways to heal, and establish regulation in the mind and body.

During my years of SE training, I worked as a Counselor at The Meadows, a treatment center located in Wickenburg, Az., where I had the honor of training and consulting with Senior Fellow Dr. Peter Levine himself. 

Dr. Peter Levine is the author of several books including “Waking the Tiger” and “Healing Trauma”.

What we’ll work on

Therapy for trauma and grief can help you…

  • Understand why you do what you do and why you feel what you do.

  • Connect to a sense of safety.

  • Feel more comfortable in your body.

  • Have a better understanding of who you are and what is important to you.

  • Trust your intuition and ability to make decisions.

  • Experience deeper connections.

  • Prioritize self-care and self-compassion.

  • Feel lighter and more grounded.

“The wound is where the light enters you.”

- Rumi



  • We all experience trauma and grief in some form, and not every experience requires counseling. It is best to seek support if you’re experiencing any of the following: unconsolable sorrow, difficulty concentrating, a desire to withdraw/isolate, fear of being alone, increased anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, irritability/anger, engaging in unhealthy habits, negative feelings about self, or overreacting to others.

  • There are many treatment modalities that have been proven effective for treating trauma and grief. Each of us is unique and will respond to some modalities more than others. However, research indicates, along with my own experience, that the safety, trust, and connection you build with your therapist tends to be the most important factor in your healing and growth.

  • Everyone is different and the length of time will vary. Some of the factors that impact the length of treatment include our personal histories (some of us have experienced more trauma and loss than others), our current supports (or lack thereof), individual personalities, genetics, and if there has or hasn’t been any therapy in the past. 

    • Please note: As a client, you have the right to terminate treatment at any time.

  • I most commonly work with relational trauma and traumatic loss.

    Relational trauma can be caused by experiencing neglect, rejection, abuse, or being over controlled as a child. This type of trauma can also arise from physical, emotional, or mental abuse, as well as betrayal in adulthood. Traumatic loss, often involves a loss that occurred unexpectedly, happened in an unnatural way, or is accompanied with complex feelings.  I have experience working with trauma related to accidents and injuries as well.